Whether you are new lovers or have been in a relationship for years, it´s always a good time to expand your sexual repertoire and discover different aspects of each other. From stimulating and spicy foreplay and oral sex to workplace role-playing and erotic toys. Advance Sex covers all the bases to bring you plenty of pleasure.

Rub the Magic Lamp to take to glorious places you´ve never known before; let your body float on a sea deligth while you experience the Slippery Slope or the Tunnel of Love. Get in touch with your wild animal nature with the Bird Feeder. Chasing the Cat or Elephants on Parade.

Advance SEx explores forbidden office sex with abandon, giving a whole new spin to a corporate merger! Sex toys are also taken for a ride, whetting the appetite for more savoury and sensational sexploits! So catch up catch your breath, and continue exploring and enjoying. 

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